Belgium goes registration security cameras oblige.
Companies and individuals who use a security camera in Belgium must now register it with the Ministry of the Interior. This is to give the police insight into where cameras are located so that images of crimes or fleeing criminals can be more easily requisitioned.
It resembles what in the Netherlands 'Camera in view' is called. Companies and individuals using security cameras can report them to the police, allowing them to very quickly find out where any images of a crime can be retrieved. In the Netherlands, however, it is not mandatory to participate in this initiative. However, in many cases it is mandatory to register cameras with the Personal Data Authority, which was already the case in Belgium. There, this body is called Privacy Commission.
By 2020 at the latest
Registering cameras with the ministry will not cost users of security cameras any money. However, they will have to take care of the registration by 2020 at the latest. The police can then very quickly request images from all security cameras installed in Belgium, with the exception of cameras owned by private individuals that only capture images of the private domain.
Source: Security news 6 June 2018
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