Let's start with the observation that one brand of wireless alarm system is different from another. The average system from the hardware store or a nondescript brand from a vague webshop often gives false alarms or malfunctions. When choosing a wireless alarm, always opt for a leading manufacturer with certified systems. In addition, pay attention to the installation. Not every DIYer or electrician can install a wireless alarm system. Always choose a specialist to reduce the risk of malfunctions.
Keeping the above in mind, we can answer the frequently asked question; "How reliable is a wireless alarm system?" with; very reliable. The wireless alarm system communicates via the 868.95 mhz frequency. Each motion detector, magnetic contact or other wireless component has its own coding with the central unit.
LARCOZ works with the wireless alarm systems from Visonic and DSC. Both are part of the Tyco group. The world's largest security solutions company. Visonic and DSC provide reliable and easy-to-use security solutions. All products meet the highest international quality standards.
Do you want assurance of reliability and craftsmanship? Then choose LARCOZ. As VEB certified security company we understand our business, follow the quality rules and the legal requirements for a security company.
Advantages of a wireless alarm system
The biggest advantage of a wireless alarm system is, of course, that no cabling is needed to install the alarm centre, motion detectors, magnetic contacts and other wireless components. A second advantage is that you can make changes relatively easily should you remodel or something similar in the future. You can easily modify or extend the design.
Disadvantages of a wireless alarm system
A wireless alarm system runs on batteries. These need to be replaced periodically which incurs periodic costs. As soon as a battery runs low, the wireless component gives a notification. The display will show the text battery low voltage.
On our website, you will find various certified and proven quality wireless alarm systems. Would you like to know what we can do for you or which system suits you best? Then please contact contact us for a free consultation and quotation.
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