Since 1 July 2022, it is mandatory in the Netherlands to have a smoke detector on every living area in a house and in enclosed spaces through which an escape route passes.
In some places in the house, there is a higher risk of starting a fire. Think for example of the kitchen, near the washing machine/dryer and in places where batteries (electric bicycles) and chargers are left to charge. We recommend that you definitely install a smoke detector in those places too.
A smoke detector, which is also often referred to as a fire alarm, is a detector that sounds an alarm as soon as it detects smoke particles. A smoke detector can be mounted independently or as part of an alarm system or fire alarm system.
If you do not link the smoke detectors to an alarm system, we always recommend linking the smoke detectors in the house together. Then all smoke detectors will give a loud signal when one detector detects smoke particles.
Mains or batteries?
For an existing residential function for roomwise rental, childcare and accommodation buildings, mains-connected smoke detectors must be present (NEN2555). In other existing dwellings, battery-operated smoke detectors are sufficient.
Assembly point
Attach smoke detectors to the ceiling. Smoke is lighter than air and will therefore always migrate upwards. In the case of a gabled roof, it is advisable to place the smoke detector 50 to 100 cm below the ridge. Hang the smoke detector at least 50 centimetres from a wall or corner and also at least 30 centimetres from a lamp.
If you install a smoke detector yourself, always choose a certified smoke detector. Prescribed smoke detectors must meet the so-called primary device requirements of NEN2555.
Would you like to know more? Or would you like to link smoke detectors to an alarm system? Then get in touch with us.