Lighting is an important part of burglary prevention. Burglars do not like to be seen. Unlit houses give away that you are not at home. You can easily simulate an occupied house by using time switches. Do not forget the upper floor.
Also pay attention to outdoor lighting. Make smart use of outdoor lighting with a twilight switch or outdoor lighting with a motion sensor. Also handy for when you come home late yourself. With properly functioning exterior lighting, neighbours and passers-by also have a better view of your home (or business) and suspicious situations will be noticed sooner.
Dark winter months action from LARCOZ
Steinel Xled Home 1 outdoor light € 99,-
With 198 LED lights, the Steinel Xled Home 1 provides a mature lighting of driveways, courtyards and gardens at very low energy consumption. This is due to the combination of LED technology with only 12 W installed power (equivalent to about 150 W halogen) and precise sensor control. This saves up to 90% of electricity.
Steinel Xsolar outdoor lamp € 190,-
This Steinel XSOLAR LED light works on solar energy. No power connection is therefore required. The 0.5 W LED light is 12x as efficient as a normal light bulb and evenly illuminates an area of about 30 m2. The battery has a capacity of 2500 mAh, it can be charged via a charger (not included) in addition to solar charging.
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