Update GX Remote Control App
Important news for all users of the GX Remote Control App.
In view of a planned switch to a new server, we draw your attention to the following:
The current server, which Honeywell currently uses for push notifications for the Galaxy Dimension and Galaxy Flex burglar systems, will be replaced by a completely new server in the foreseeable future. This is to upgrade to an even higher service and reliability level.
Before taking the "old" server off-line, a transition period will be observed. Until 30 September 2023, both the "old" and new server will be online. To continue using push notifications after 30 September, the IP address of the "old" server must be changed to the IP address of the new server in the app. If this is not changed after 30 September 2023, an error message will be displayed on the code control panel.
Changing the IP address can be done by your installer via the control panel or via a connected computer running RSS software.
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