KPN will stop per September 1 2019 with fixed telephony over ISDN. KPN will then no longer offer single and multiple ISDN 1/2 and multiple PSTN. The reason is that ISDN is an outdated and relatively expensive technology. Internet calling is the norm these days. This decision by KPN may affect your alarm system. Although most alarm systems already transmit notifications via IP, over 50,000 alarm systems are still using the outdated technology.
!! Technology ISDN 1/2 and multiple PSTN will cease from 1 September 2019
!! Technology over ISDN 15/20/30 will cease on 1 October 2021.
We advise you to check with KPN whether you are using analogue services. You can also often see this information on your bill. If this is the case, contact your alarm installer quickly. Incidentally, it is not necessary to have your alarm system replaced then. There are converters on the market that convert the analogue signals to a digital signal. You can also opt for an IP alarm carrier.
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